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Consider a Defensive Driver Education Program

Friday, May 6, 2011

You know what driver's education is. It's the class you took in high school that taught you all the basics of driving in an effort to get your driver's license. Some students had to tackle it more than once to get their driver's license and others sailed through with ease. No matter how well you did in your high school driver's education class or how well you think you drive now, everyone can benefit from a defensive driver education program.

What Is A Defensive Driver Education Program?

A defensive driver education program picks up where your high school class left off. These programs are designed to teach you the techniques that you need to make you a safer driver. Statistics show that most accidents occur during the first two years that a driver is on the road. That's because they only know the basics of how to handle a vehicle on the road. First time drivers are usually in their teens and they don't have the experience to handle conditions that occur. They are also more likely to focus on other things while they drive, such as using a cell phone. By taking a defensive driver education program, these teens can learn how to be more observant while they are on the road. A defensive driver education program teaches you to be aware of the road and the drivers that are ahead of them. They will also learn to watch all the other drivers around them so that they can be aware of what other drivers are doing and to be prepared for mistakes made by those other drivers.

A Defensive Driver Education Program Can Save You Money

Some insurance companies offer a discount on your automobile premiums with the completion of a defensive driver education program. You will have to check with your own insurance company to see if they offer this discount and which courses they will accept for the credit. Some companies only give a discount to certain aged drivers, especially those that are considered to be in high risk groups.

Preventing a teenager from having their first accident not only makes them safer, but it also prevents having to turn an accident in and have your premiums raised even higher. Insurance on teenagers is already high, and an accident is sure to raise it even higher. No matter how much it costs you to send your teenager through a defensive driver education program. Courses run anywhere from forty dollars to several hundred dollars. You can choose between going to classes or taking a class online. The biggest advantage to online courses is the convenience of working around your own schedule and working at your own pace.

Teenagers don't always see the danger in anything and the same is true for driving. They think they are the best drivers in the world and that makes them unsafe on the roads. A defensive driver education program can give them the perspective to be careful and to prevent accidents that can cause death and injury.


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